Basketball Transactions - 1998-99

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Duck    G   BimboColes    (G.S) KennyAnderson   04/26   IL - Cut DHarper
Keith   F/C MarcusCamby   (N.Y) GeorgeLynch     04/19   IL - Cut JTaylor (04/26)
Matt    G   JohnCrotty    (SEA) JaysonWilliams  04/05   IL – Cut JCrotty
Sully   F   DaleDavis     (IND) CedricCeballos  03/08   IL - Cut DDavis
Merritt F   LaFunderburke (SAC) RaefLaFrentz    03/01   IL - Cut LFunderburke
Smith   C   VitaPotapenko (CLE) ZydrunIlgauskas 02/22   IL - Cut VPotapenko
MikeD   F   AntawnJamison (GSW) KevinJohnson    02/04   FA - Cut AJamison
Previous Cuts:
Duck    G   DanaBarros    (BOS) MarcusCamby     04/19   WA - Cut Camby   (04/19)
Keith   G   FelipeLopez   (VAN) SteveSmith      04/05   IL - Cut JJackson(04/19)
Keith   F   JohnnyTaylor  (DEN) BoOutlaw        03/22   IL - Cut LWright (04/19)
McKnght F   BillyOwens    (SEA) VoshonLenard    02/04   IL - Cut DMartin (04/19)
Keith   G   CuttinoMobley (HOU) RonHarper       03/29   IL - Cut DAndrson(04/12)
John    G   HubertDavis   (DAL) ShermanDouglas  03/29   IL - Cut DGarrett(04/05)
Keith   F/C LorenzeWright (LAC) JamalMashburn   02/22   IL - Cut DBarros (04/05)
John    C/F EldenCampbell (CHA) ShermanDouglas  03/15   IL - Cut TDelk   (03/22)
Merritt C/F TonyBattie    (BOS) RonySeikaly     03/01   IL - Cut TBattie (03/22)
MikeD   G   VernonMaxwell (SAC) JalenRose       03/22   WA - Cut JRose   (03/22)
Rich    C   GregOstertag  (UTH) TracyMurray     03/22   WA - Cut TMurray (03/22)
Smith   F   KurtThomas    (NYK) JamesRobinson   03/22   WA - Cut JRobnson(03/22)
Matt    F   GaryTrent     (DAL) EricRiley       03/15   WA - Cut ERiley  (03/15)
McKnght F   GaryTrent     (DAL) MikeOlowokandi  03/01   IL - Cut GTrent  (03/15)
McKnght G   VoshonLenard  (MIA) GlenRice        02/04   IL - Cut BOwens  (03/15)
Keith   G   DerekAnderson (CLE) SteveSmith      03/01   IL - Cut PStjkvc (03/08)
McKnght G   MattMaloney   (HOU) BillyOwens      02/22   IL - Cut MMaloney(03/08)
MikeD   F   PopeyeJones   (BOS) LatrellSprewell 02/22   IL - Cut PJones  (03/08)
Smith   G   JamesRobinson (LAC) CharlesBarkley  02/22   IL - Cut RHorry  (03/01)
Swoo    F   DannyFortson  (DEN) RodneyRogers    03/01   WA - Cut RRogers (03/01)

Owner Trades
Owner  Pos  Player Rec'd         Trade Date    Player Traded    to      Owner
John   C    DeanGarrett          03/29         C/F  TheoRatliff         McKnght
John   Dr   1999 5th Rd          03/29         Dr   1999 9th Rd         McKnght
Keith  F    DonyellMarshall      03/08         G    DeeBrown            MikeD
Matt   C/F  OldenPolynice        03/01         F    RobertHorry         Smith
Matt   G    JarenJackson         03/01         G    ChaunceyBillups     Smith

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Keith Carangelo