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------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keith F SamMitchell (Min) DannyManning 04/13 IL - Cut SMtchll Keith G DeeBrown (Tor) ToniKukoc 04/06 IL - Cut CCbllos Alain F WaltMcCarty (Bos) EricPiatkowski 03/30 IL - Cut KReeves Duck C GregFoster (Uta) PJBrown 03/30 IL - Cut CBrkley(04/13) Dennis C ChrisAnstey (Dal) ChrisCarr 03/23 IL - Cut ChrCarr Duck G ElliotPerry (Mil) PennyHardaway 03/16 IL - Cut ElPerry Fritz G BobbyPhills (Cha) GlennRobinson 03/16 IL - Cut DeScott Matt G RonMercer (Bos) TomGugliotta 02/23 IL - Cut RMercer Rich G DanaBarros (Bos) RobertPack 02/23 IL - Cut MarElie Smith G MarkPrice (Orl) DarrArmstrong 02/16 IL - Cut MaPrice Nick G MattMaloney (Hou) SeanElliott 02/02 IL - Cut MMloney Nick CF AntonioDavis (Ind) PatrickEwing 12/22 IL - Cut AnDavis Nick G BryantStith (Den) LoyVaught 12/22 IL - Cut BrStith Dennis F LawFunderburke(Sac) LatrellSprewell 12/08 SU - Cut LSprwll Dennis C ErrickDampier (G.S) GheorgeMuresan 11/01 IL - Cut EDmpier ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Previous Cuts: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Duck G TimThomas (Phi) TerrellBrandon 02/16 IL - Cut ElPerry(04/06) Smith C AndrewDeClercq(Bos) LucLongely 03/23 IL - Cut ADclerq(03/30) Matt C TerryDavis (Was) RonySeikly 03/02 IL - Cut TeDavis(03/23) Alain G JohnnyNewman (Den) BobbyJackson 02/23 IL - Cut SDougls(03/23) Duck F TonyDelk (G.S) GregOstertag 02/16 IL - Cut GOsttag(03/23) Duck G CoryAlexander (Den) TonyBattie 03/16 WA - Cut TBattie(03/16) Fritz G DerekFisher (LaL) NickVanExel 03/02 IL - Cut DFisher(03/16) Smith G TerryPorter (Min) MarkPrice 03/02 IL - Cut TPorter(03/16) Smith F A.C.Green (Dal) JeromeKersey 02/02 IL - Cut JKersey(03/16) Alain GF ErPiatkowski (LaC) DellCurry 01/26 IL - Cut DeCurry(03/16) Matt F CedrHenderson (Cle) DerekAnderson 02/02 IL - Cut DAndrsn(03/09) Dennis F GaryTrent (Por) ChrisCarr 02/02 IL - Cut GaTrent(03/02) Keith F SamMack (Van) CDxlr/VDivac 01/12 IL - Cut WMcCrty(03/02) Dennis G DarrickMartin (LaC) LawFunderburke 01/05 IL - Cut LFndbke(02/23) Nick GF BrianShaw (G.S) BryantStith 01/05 IL - Cut AGlliam(02/23) Kitt G JoeDumars (Det) AnthonyPeeler 12/15 IL - Cut APeeler(02/23) Keith F ChrisMills (N.Y) HOljn/CCeballos 12/01 IL - Cut SamMack(02/23) Matt F SamakiWalker (Dal) BrianGrant 01/12 IL - Cut RHarper(02/16) Matt F AlanHenderson (Atl) TravisKnight 02/09 WA - Cut TKnight(02/09) Alain G ShermanDouglas(N.J) KevinJohnson 12/15 IL - Cut EWsngtn(02/09) Matt G DerekAnderson (Cle) BobSura 11/24 IL - Cut BobSura(02/09) Alain GF CalCheaney (Was) BobbyPhills 01/19 IL - Cut BPhills(02/02) Duck F MikeSmith (Sac) PennyHardaway 12/15 IL - Cut MkSmith(02/02) Smith F DarrArmstrng (Orl) RonMercer 02/02 WA - Cut RMercer(02/02) Rich F MarioElie (Hou) WaltWilliams 01/19 IL - Cut DForstn(01/26) Kitt F A.C.Green (Dal) MookieBlaylock 01/12 IL - Cut ACGreen(01/26) Dennis C OliverMiller (Tor) ChrisGatling 12/22 IL - Cut CGtling(01/26) Duck G MarkPrice (Orl) MikeSmith 12/15 IL - Cut MaPrice(01/26) Alain G EricWashington(Den) MattMaloney 01/19 WA - Cut MMloney(01/19) Nick F BryonRussell (Uta) NickAnderson 12/22 IL - Cut BriShaw(01/19) Smith C ZydruIlgauskas(Cle) AMrng/JKersey 11/01 IL - Cut ChParks(01/19) Nick G CharlieWard (N.Y) ScottiePippen 11/01 IL - Cut BRussll(01/12) Nick F ArmonGilliam (Mil) MahmAbdul-Rauf 01/05 WA - Cut MAbRauf(01/05) Duck G EPiatkowski (LaC) TerrBrandon 12/15 IL - Cut EPtkski(01/05) Matt G SteveNash (Pho) TravisKnight 12/15 IL - Cut ACGreen(12/29) Fritz C MichaelStewart(Sac) TyusEdney 12/22 WA - Cut TyEdney(12/22) Rich C LorenzenWright(LAC) DerrickColeman 12/01 IL - Cut MarElie(12/22) Rich G TravisBest (Ind) RobertPack 11/01 IL - Cut TraBest(12/22) Keith FG CedricCeballos(Pho) AlanHenderson 12/15 WA - Cut AHndrsn(12/15) Alain C MichaelStewart(Sac) HoraceGrant 12/08 IL - Cut MStewrt(12/15) MikeD F CorlWilliamson(Sac) SteveKerr 11/17 IL - Cut BrStith(12/15) Dennis FG TracyMurray (Was) JohnStockton 11/01 IL - Cut MkSealy(12/15) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Trades Owner Pos Player Rec'd Trade Date Player Traded to Owner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alain G KhalidReeves (Dal) 03/09 MarkJackson (Ind) Fritz Alain F JohnWallace (Tor) 03/09 HoraceGrant (Orl) Fritz Rich FG WaltWilliams (Tor) 12/01 VladeDivac (Cha) Keith Keith C HakeemOlajuwon(Hou) 11/01 GaryPayton (Sea) Smith Keith G TimHardaway (Mia) 11/01 AlonzoMourning (Mia) Smith Keith F AlanHenderson (Atl) 11/01 KobeBryant (LaL) Smith Duck CF TonyBattie (Den) 11/01 NickAnderson (Orl) Nick Duck F CliffRobinson (Pho) 11/01 DennisRodman (Chi) Nick -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Go Back to Basketball Page