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------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Duck G ErStrickland (Dal) JaysonWilliams 03/17 IL - Cut EStklnd Fritz G KhalidReeves (N.J) DanaBarros 02/17 IL - Cut KReeves MikeD F CorlWilliamson(Sac) DinoRadja 01/20 IL - Cut CWllmsn Rich CF TerryMills (Det) DavidRobinson 12/30 IL - Cut WPerdue ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Previous Cuts: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fritz G CoryAlexander (San) BobbyPhills 03/31 IL - Cut CAlxndr(04/20) Duck G JamesRobinson (Min) EricStrickland 03/24 IL - Cut JRbnson(04/13) Tom G NateMcMillan (Sea) ShaqONeal 02/24 IL - Cut NMcMlln(04/13) Keith FG ToddDay (Bos) DerrickMcKey 02/10 IL - Cut DeMcKey(04/06) Fritz F BryonRussell (Uta) TCorbin/Majerle 12/23 IL - Cut KReeves(04/06) Duck F MontyWilliams (San) AlonzoMourning 03/03 IL - Cut TraBest(03/24) Tom F BuckWilliams (N.Y) ClydeDrexler 02/24 IL - Cut BWillms(03/17) Nick G BillyOwens (Mia) BrianGrant 11/18 IL - Cut RaAllen(03/10) Rich G MuggsyBogues (Cha) RobertPack 02/17 IL - Cut RRogers(03/03) Duck F ACGreen (Dal) AnthonyPeeler 02/24 WA - Cut APeeler(02/24) Keith G MalikSealy (LaC) MarkMaloney 02/24 WA - Cut MMalney(02/24) Kitt G AnthonyPeeler (Van) ShermDouglas 02/24 WA - Cut SDougls(02/24) Smith C TravisKnight (LaL) ChrisDudley 02/24 WA - Cut CDudley(02/24) Dennis C DeanGarrett (Min) CarlosRogers 02/17 WA - Cut CRogers(02/17) Rich C RoyRogers (Van) OliverMiller 02/10 RE - Cut OMiller(02/17) Dennis G VoshonLenard (Mia) MarkPrice 01/27 IL - Cut MaSealy(02/17) Rich C WillPerdue (San) DerrickColeman 01/13 IL - Cut BrPrice(02/17) Fritz F GeorgeLynch (Van) RasheedWallace 01/06 IL - Cut TCorbin(02/10) Rich G BrentPrice (Hou) Rbnsn/FatRobrts 11/04 IL - Cut SRobrts(02/03) Keith G SteveNash (Pho) CedricCeballos 11/18 IL - Cut BEdwrds(01/20) Tom G BrooksThompson(Den) LucLongley 12/09 IL - Cut BThmpsn(01/20) Fritz G DarrickMartin (LaC) DanaBarros 01/06 IL - Cut GeLynch(01/20) Fritz FG MarkDavis (Phi) RikSmits 11/04 IL - Cut EDmpier(01/13) Fritz F ErickDampier (Atl) DanMajerle 12/23 IL - Cut MaDavis(01/06) Duck G AnthonyPeeler (Van) GregAnthony 12/16 IL - Cut BrBarry(01/06) Kitt CF HotRodWilliams(Pho) MarcusCamby 12/23 IL - Cut HRWllms(12/30) Rich C StanleyRoberts(LaC) BrentPrice 11/04 IL - Cut KThomas(12/30) Keith G MMaloney (Hou) BlueEdwards 12/02 IL - Cut SteNash(12/23) Kitt F PopeyeJones (Min) DennisScott 12/02 IL - Cut BobSura(12/16) Nick F LaPhonsoEllis (Den) RoyRogers 12/16 WA - Cut RyRogrs(12/16) Rich F CorlWilliamson(Sac) KurtThomas 11/25 IL - Cut MBogues(12/16) Tom F SirBckWilliams(N.Y) JamalFaceburn 11/25 IL - Cut BkWllms(12/16) Duck G ByronScott (LaL) BrentBarry 11/04 IL - Cut BRussll(12/02) Rich G MugseyBogues (Cha) CorlWilliamson 11/25 WA - Cut CWllmsn(11/25) Duck G BryonRussell (Uta) ChrisChilds 11/04 IL - Cut ByScott(11/25) Kitt G KhalidReeves (N.J) DennisScott 11/04 IL - Cut KReeves(11/25) Nick G BrianShaw (Orl) KevinJohnson 11/04 IL - Cut BriShaw(11/25) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Trades Owner Pos Player Rec'd Trade Date Player Traded to Owner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Smith FC EarvinJohnson (Den) 02/24 SamPerkins (Sea) Tom Smith G BryantStith (Den) 02/24 SteveSmith (Atl) Tom Duck F AntoineWalker (Bos) 01/20 DaleDavis (Ind) Rich Duck FG GlenRice (Cha) 01/20 KevinGarnett (Min) Rich Rich G DennisScott (Orl) 01/20 JeffHornacek (Uta) Kitt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Go Back to Basketball Page