Baseball 2001

Draft Order and Protected Lists

 1. UTony    None
 2. Smith    BKoch          MMantei    
 3. Fritz    KGriffeyJr        
 4. Clancy   None     
 5. JeffW    MMcGwire       MRamirez      DLowe 
 6. Keith    CDelgado       GSheffield    KSasaki 
 7. Cohen    GMaddux        MRivera    
 8. Sam      THelton        TJones    
 9. Ken      None      
10. Harris   ARodriguez     VGuerrero     DErstad 
11. Wanker   None         
12. Dan      None  
13. Tietz    KFoulke        BBonds    
14. Nick     THoffman       UUrbina    
15. Rich     PMartinez        
16. Kitt     IRodriguez     ABenitez    
17. Fribble  RJohnson        
18. Mark     JBagwell       RAlomar       THudson 
19. Bob      SSosa          MPiazza       AAlfonseca 
20. Duck     None   

Offseason and 2000 Trades

Smith   2001   7th Mark     for    2001  14th Smith       Mark 
Mark    2001  16th Kitt     for    2001   8th Mark        Kitt 
Mark    2001  15th Kitt     for    2001   4th Mark        Kitt 
Smith   2001   4th Tietz    for    2001  15th Smith       Tietz 
Keith   2001  12th Smith    for    2001   5th Keith       Smith 
Keith   2001  13th Smith    for    2001   8th Keith       Smith 
Duck    2001   7th Kitt     for    2001  23rd Duck        Kitt 
Nick    2001   5th Keith    for    2001  15th Nick        Smith 
Jeff    2001  11th Fritz    for    2001   5th Jeff        Fritz 

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Keith Carangelo